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hippos (sussita) excavations Project

Hippos (sussita) Publications
Various publications concerning Hippos (Sussita) have been published. Some appear in the form of books/monographs, articles in journals, on-line articles and others as short articles on our website. Listed below are all the books and monographs that we have published. Some are still for sale and most include a link for a full PDF file download.
Here is a short selected list of links to on-line articles and reviews:
K. Hruby, A. Kowalewska, D. Rosenberg and M. Eisenberg, A Chalcolithic presence east of the Sea of Galilee: The earliest finds on Mt. Sussita. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1–27, published online 9/05/24.
A. Pažout, M. Eisenberg and M. Osband, Between Gaulanitis and Hippos: The Roman Road in the Southern Golan Heights in Context, Tel Aviv 51: 95–117, 2024.
M. Osband, M. Eisenberg and J.R. Ferguson, XRF Analysis of Village and Urban Basalt Architecture in the Hippos Territorium During the Roman Period, Archaeometry, published online 29/04/24.
M. Eisenberg and A. Kowalewska, The Flowers Mausoleum at Hippos of the Decapolis – A First Glance into One of the Finest Roman Provincial Architectural Decorations in Basalt. In: G. Kremer, E. Pollhammer, F. Beutler and J. Kopf (eds), Zeit(en) des Umbruchs (SoSchrÖAI 64). Vienne, 2024, 371–385.
E. Dvorjetski, C. Müller-Kessler, M. Eisenberg, A. Pažout, M. Osband and, A Palestinian-Aramaic Inscription from the Monastery of ‘Uyun Umm el-‘Azam, Israel, ARAM 34 (1&2), 2024: 139–152.
M, Eisenberg and M. Osband, Evidence for Settlement decline in late 3rd–mid-4th century CE in the Hippos Region and beyond, ARAM 34 (1&2), 2024: 153–184.
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Ḥorbat Sussita (Hippos) – 2021, Hadashot Arkheologyot 135, 2023.
M. Eisenberg and A. Segal, Town Planning and Architecture of Hippos (Sussita) of the Decapolis in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods, MARINOV ZBORNIK: Papers in Honour of Professor Emilio Marin. 2022: 345–367.
G. Staab, A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Two Additional Inscriptions from the Martyrion of Theodoros in Hippos of the Decapolis, ZPE 222, 2022: 131–137.
M. Eisenberg, The Basilica of Hippos of the Decapolis and a Corpus of the Regional Basilicae, In A. Dell’Acqua and O. Peleg-Barkat (eds), The Basilica in Roman Palestine, Adoption and Adaptation Processes, in Light of Comparanda in Italy and North Africa, Edizioni Quasar, Italy, 2021: 153–184.
M. Schuler, Northeast Insulae Project: Context and Analysis: The Final Report 1, 2021.
M. Eisenberg and A. Kowalewska, Funerary podia of Hippos of the Decapolis and the phenomenon in the Roman world, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 35 (1): 107-138, 2022.
A. Pažout and M. Eisenberg, The Territory of Hippos: Its Settlement Dynamics and Development from the Hellenistic to the Late Roman Period as Seen through Spatial Analytical Methods, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38, 2021:1–15.
A. Pažout, M. Eisenberg and M. Osband, El-Qusayyiba (East), Hadashot Arkheologyot 133, 2021.
A. Pažout, M. Osband and M. Eisenberg, 'Uyun Umm el-'Azam (West), Hadashot Arkheologyot 133, 2021.
A. Pažout, M. Eisenberg and , Maqbarat Majdulya, Hadashot Arkheologyot 133, 2021.
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Mason’s Marks of Antiochia Hippos and Roman Syria-Palaestina, In M.S. Vinci and A. Ottati (eds), From the Quarry to the Monument. The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 26., Propylaeum, Heidelberg 2021: 57–67
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Ḥorbat Sussita (Hippos) – 2020, Hadashot Arkheologyot 133, 2021.
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Ḥorbat Sussita (Hippos) – 2018, 2019, Hadashot Arkheologyot 133, 2021.
A. Pažout, M. Eisenberg and G. Staab, A Roman Milestone from the Northeastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee, IEJ 70/2, 2020: 215–220.
M. Eisenberg, The Lion's Mausoleum of Hippos of the Decapolis, PEQ Nov. 2020.
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Stonemasons and their Marks in Roman Syria-Palaestina and Arabia, In M.S. Vinci, A. Ottati and D. Gorostidi (eds), La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officinae, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale, Rome 2020: 85–98.
M. Eisenberg and A. Kowalewska, Summer 2020 Excavations in Hippos, NPA Archaeological News, 10/2020 (Hebrew).
M. Eisenberg and G. Staab, Eusebios' aedicula tombstone from Hippos, PEQ June 2020.
G. Staab and M. Eisenberg, Building Inscriptions from the Martyrion of Theodoros at the ‘Burnt Church’ in Hippos above the Sea of Galilee, ZPE 214, 2020: 203–214.
G. Staab, A. Pažout and M. Eisenberg, Two Roman Milestones from the Southern Golan Heights, ZPE 214, 2020: 215–220.
M. Burdajewisz, Some remarks on the architectural decoration of the North-West Church at Hippos (Susita), in: K. Jakubiak and A. Łajtar (eds.), Ex Orient Lux: Studies in Honor of Jolanta Młynarczyck, Warsaw 2020: 345–360.
M. Schuler, οἶκοι to Monastery: an Interpretative Possibility for the Northeast Insulae at Antiochia Hippos, in: O. Peleg-Barkat, J. Ashkenazi, U. Leibner, M. Aviam and R. Talgam (eds.), Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich Editors Land of Galilee 5, Jerusalem 2019: 75-85.
Review of Hippos-Sussita Summary Vol. II, 2018 publication (A. Ovadiah, Liber Annuus 69, 2019:526-529).
M. Eisenberg, A. Iermolin and S. Shalev, A Decorated Weight from Hippos and its Significance in Understanding the Transition between the Byzantine to the Umayyad Period, Qadmoniot 158 (2019): 120-122.
A. Kowalewska, The Southern Bathhouse of Antiochia Hippos of the Decapolis, Archaeologica 180, Sapienza Università di Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Rome, 2019, p. 261–277.
M. Eisenberg, The Propylaeum of the Extra Muros Sanctuary at Hippos, Archaeologica 180, Sapienza Università di Roma, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Rome, 2019, p. 95–121.
מ' איזנברג וא' קובלבסקה, סוסיתא בראש ההר - מתוצאות עונת החפירות של שנת 2019 ועוד קצת, חדשות בעתיקות, רשות הטבע והגנים, 1/10/19
M. Eisenberg, New Discoveries at Antiochia Hippos of the Decapolis and its Sea of Galilee Connection, Early Christianity 10/3, 2019: 363-382, 403-410.
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, Masons' Marks of Antiochia Hippos, Tel Aviv 46.1 (2019): 108-127.
M. Osband and M. Eisenberg, Between Hippos and Majduliyya: Defining Relationships between a Polis and a Village in the Golan, Etmol 261 (2019): 6-10.
J. Mlynarczyk and M. Burdajewisz, Some Facts about the North-West Church in Hippos (in Aramaic Susita, in Arabic Susiyah) on the Sea of Gailee (6th to mid-8th centuries), ARAM 31 (2019): 165–194.
M. Osband and M. Eisenberg, Interregional Trade in the Roman Period: A Diachronic Study of Common Kitchenware from Hippos of the Decapolis, Tel Aviv 45:2 (2018): 273-288.
M. Eisenberg, A. Iermolin and S. Shalev, Archaeological and XRF Analysis of a Byzantine Weight from Hippos Sheds New Light on the Transition from Christian to the Islamic Rule, IEJ 68 (2018): 77-90.
M. Eisenberg, Introduction, in: M. Eisenberg, Hippos (Sussita) of the Decapolis: The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations (2000-2011), Volume II, The Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Haifa 2018, p. 10-15.
R. Frankel and M. Eisenberg, The Hippos Winery Complex, in: M. Eisenberg, Hippos (Sussita) of the Decapolis: The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations (2000-2011), Volume II, The Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Haifa 2018, p. 56-73.
L. A. Kapitaikin, "Final Pottery Report of the 2010-2011 Excavation Seasons", in: M. Eisenberg, Hippos (Sussita) of the Decapolis: The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations (2000-2011), Volume II, The Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Haifa 2018, p. 88-209.
M. Eisenberg, “The Current State of Research of Antiochia Hippos”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 7-24 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
A. Segal, “Hippos-Sussita – Urban Plan and City Landscape”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 25-34 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
N. Wechsler and S. Marco, “Historical Earthquakes in Northern Israel and their Impact on Hippos-Sussita”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 35-45 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
E. Bron and O. Zingboym, “Ptolemaic Fortress overlooking Wadi Ruqqad in the Southern Golan Heights”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 46-56 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
M. Eisenberg, “A Military Portrait of Hippos – from Ptolemaic Fortress to Seleucid Polis”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 57-69 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
A. Kowalewska and M. Eisenberg, “Roman Bathhouses of Antiochia Hippos and the Decapolis”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 70-80 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
Y. Schauer, “The Mint of Antiochia Hippos (Sussita)”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 81-88 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
M. Osband, “The Common Pottery of Hippos in the Roman Period”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 89-108 (Hebrew with an English abstract).
A. Pažout, “A Geospatial Study of the Chora of Antiochia Hippos from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Periods”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 7*-17*.
M. Schuler, “The Northeast Insula and Late Antique Christianity at Hippos Palaistinēs”, Michmanim 27 (2017), p. 18*-28*.
J. Burdajewisz, Wall Painting Decoration from the North-West Church in Hippos-Sussita of the Decapolis, Études et Travaux XXX (2017): 161-180.
Review of Hippos-Sussita Summary Vol. I, 2014 publication (reprint), (W. Zwickel, DE GRUYTER, „Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft“ Volume 129 Issue 1).
M. Eisenberg, "Graeco-Roman Poliorketics and the Development of Military Architecture in Antiochia Hippos of the Decapolis as a Test Case. In: Focus on Fortification: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East, Monograph Series of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 18 (Eds. R. Fredriksen, S. Muth, P. P. Schinider and M. Schnelle), Oxbow Books 2016: 609–622.
M. Schuler, Microcosm of Transition: The Northeast Insula Project at Hippos of the Decapolis, ARAM 28 (1&2), 2016: 77-101.
M. Eisenberg, “Hippos-Sussita: From a Polis in the Decapolis to a Declining Town”, Qadmoniot 151, Jerusalem 2016, p. 2-17 (Heb.).
M. Eisenberg, “Pan at Hippos”, Biblical Archaeology Review, Vol. 41, No. 6, November/December 2015, p. 40-45, 72.
A. Segal & M. Eisenberg, “The Spade Hits Sussita”, Forty Groundbreaking Articles from Forty Years Of Biblical Archaeology Review, Vol. II, 2015, p. 566-578.
M. Milar, "Archaeologists find hobnailed boot print of Roman soldier in Israel", Ancient Origins, June 2015.
M. Eisenberg, "New Discoveries at Hippos", Popular Archaeology, Summer 2015, Featured Articles, Discoveries.
M. Eisenberg, “The Military Architecture of Antiochia Hippos (Sussita) during the Roman Period”, 2015.
in: Aviam, M. (ed.), "From Watch Tower to Fortified city": Forts and Fortresses in Northern Israel
from the Canaanites to the IDF, p.113−129 (Hebrew). -
M. Eisenberg, Antiochia Hippos: Revealing a lost city of the Roman Decapolis, Current World Archaeology 69, February 2015.
Review of Hippos-Sussita Summary Vol. I, 2013 publication (A. Ovadiah, Qadmoniot 47, 2014, Hebrew).
Review of Hippos-Sussita Summary Vol. I, 2013 publication (A. Ovadiah, IEJ 64/2, 2014).
Copper Plates Baffel Archaeologists, Popular Archaeology, April 2013.
A. Segal & M. Eisenberg, Unearthing Sussita, Popular Archaeology, March 2012.
א. סג"ל ומ. איזנברג, סוסיתא – מבט על העיר בתום 11 עונות חפירה (2010-2000), איגרת האקדמיה הישראלית 32, 2010, עמ' 45-38.
(גן לאומי סוסיתא: הכשרת האתר לביקורי קהל (מצגת מאת רט"ג, משלחת החפירות, מועצה אזורית עמק הירדן וגופים נוספים
D. Michalska Nawrocka, D. J. Michczynska, A. Pazdur and J. Czernik, RADIOCARBON CHRONOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT SETTLEMENT IN THE GOLAN HEIGHTS AREA, ISRAEL, Radiocarbon 49: 2, 2007: 625-637.
א. סג"ל ומ. איזנברג, "סוסיתא אשר בדקפוליס: חמש עונות חפירה ראשונות", קדמוניות 129, 2005, עמ' 29-15.
A. Segal, The "Kalybe Structures" – Temples for the Imperial Cult in Hauran and Trachon: An Historical-Architectural Analysis, Assaph 6, Tel-Aviv 2001, p. 91-118.
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